Block Shares

Block Shares
670669 670676 670711 670717 670731 670743 670744 670759 670777 670789 670790 670796 670815 670874 670881 670902 670905 670907 670979 670982
Expected 369689 371126 393262 423755 471547 499164 488398 421439 406292 452785 467332 358324 481477 515821 508852 388868 375581 386071 460076 478979
Actual 129737 297364 1322484 168612 486549 459573 33715 762899 691555 370885 2799 500739 493129 2228627 355457 1142202 23414 58998 2686301 106665
Average 240535 252749 376769 344691 384576 391579 349212 424638 460877 472337 459644 479981 397046 603047 589938 658201 657171 586781 786255 759833

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 341,117 70098 70013 85 609,573.8652 341424760217 355684758774 104.18% 665005.07258453 20.55%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 1 1 0 321,988.1065 2575905 286529 11.12% 3.12530909 0.02%
Last 12 Month 48,384 118 118 0 276,900.0880 261393683 448905478 171.74% 734.3994776 0.24%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
670982 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 15:41:25 (UTC) 59,872.37 6.250227 478,979 106,665 22.27
670979 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 15:13:57 (UTC) 57,509.48 6.252090 460,076 2,686,301 583.88
670907 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 03:43:33 (UTC) 48,258.92 6.250002 386,071 58,998 15.28
670905 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 03:28:37 (UTC) 46,947.65 6.250013 375,581 23,414 6.23
670902 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 03:22:36 (UTC) 48,608.47 6.250199 388,868 1,142,202 293.72
670881 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:33:22 (UTC) 63,606.53 6.250341 508,852 355,457 69.85
670874 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 21:03:17 (UTC) 64,477.62 6.250000 515,821 2,228,627 432.05
670815 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 11:37:15 (UTC) 60,184.68 6.250039 481,477 493,129 102.42
670796 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 09:29:52 (UTC) 44,790.48 6.250026 358,324 500,739 139.74
670790 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:21:00 (UTC) 58,416.44 6.250000 467,332 2,799 0.60
670789 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:20:17 (UTC) 56,598.08 6.250000 452,785 370,885 81.91
670777 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 05:46:00 (UTC) 50,786.45 6.250365 406,292 691,555 170.21
670759 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 02:51:28 (UTC) 52,679.90 6.250728 421,439 762,899 181.02
670744 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 23:39:15 (UTC) 61,049.78 6.250177 488,398 33,715 6.90
670743 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 23:30:37 (UTC) 62,395.56 6.250035 499,164 459,573 92.07
670731 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 21:34:54 (UTC) 58,943.35 6.250305 471,547 486,549 103.18
670717 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 19:32:55 (UTC) 52,969.42 6.250000 423,755 168,612 39.79
670711 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 18:50:25 (UTC) 49,157.79 6.250000 393,262 1,322,484 336.29
670676 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 13:23:33 (UTC) 46,390.74 6.250188 371,126 297,364 80.12
670669 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 12:11:33 (UTC) 46,211.18 6.250035 369,689 129,737 35.09
Totals 8,718,838 12,321,704 141.32
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.