Block Shares

Block Shares
780406 780447 780537 780586 780589 780600 780604 780617 780659 780702 780703 780848 780926 780990 781017 781135 781146 781177 781216 781228
Expected 2657104 2342312 2467525 2387207 2385943 2259780 2307141 2402375 2333920 2319347 2295849 2092598 2367061 2357297 2260598 2249222 2244997 2661658 2831948 2542830
Actual 12765644 3505654 7986121 4877941 84648 1198489 298675 1046960 3943154 4099954 332848 13622434 6769298 5787187 2757573 10028703 888064 2641466 3870090 1443519
Average 3303007 3461002 4013810 4491355 4176242 3720306 3611551 3502243 3603615 3980724 2737444 3749122 3627440 3718365 3985657 4868679 4927618 5087068 5079762 4814118

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 358,159 70100 70015 85 609,563.2505 341428567886 355685399894 104.18% 665011.32412071 19.57%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 48,384 3 3 0 265,982.2540 6383574 927649 14.53% 9.37684527 0.01%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
781228 Confirmed anonymous 10/03 09:32:40 (UTC) 317,853.75 6.251849 2,542,830 1,443,519 56.77
781216 Confirmed anonymous 10/03 07:04:59 (UTC) 353,993.52 6.250000 2,831,948 3,870,090 136.66
781177 Confirmed anonymous 10/03 00:36:43 (UTC) 332,707.22 6.250023 2,661,658 2,641,466 99.24
781146 Confirmed anonymous 09/03 20:08:42 (UTC) 280,624.57 6.250807 2,244,997 888,064 39.56
781135 Confirmed anonymous 09/03 18:35:31 (UTC) 281,152.71 6.250000 2,249,222 10,028,703 445.87
781017 Confirmed anonymous 08/03 22:41:05 (UTC) 282,574.72 6.250000 2,260,598 2,757,573 121.98
780990 Confirmed anonymous 08/03 18:06:37 (UTC) 294,662.18 6.252370 2,357,297 5,787,187 245.50
780926 Confirmed anonymous 08/03 07:18:17 (UTC) 295,882.69 6.250000 2,367,061 6,769,298 285.98
780848 Confirmed anonymous 07/03 19:11:19 (UTC) 261,574.74 6.250000 2,092,598 13,622,434 650.98
780703 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 18:40:38 (UTC) 286,981.10 6.250063 2,295,849 332,848 14.50
780702 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 18:05:14 (UTC) 289,918.35 6.250737 2,319,347 4,099,954 176.77
780659 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 10:38:45 (UTC) 291,739.95 6.250044 2,333,920 3,943,154 168.95
780617 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 03:29:14 (UTC) 300,296.92 6.250000 2,402,375 1,046,960 43.58
780604 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 01:36:44 (UTC) 288,392.61 6.250000 2,307,141 298,675 12.95
780600 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 01:05:18 (UTC) 282,472.50 6.251103 2,259,780 1,198,489 53.04
780589 Confirmed anonymous 05/03 22:54:23 (UTC) 298,242.93 6.251237 2,385,943 84,648 3.55
780586 Confirmed anonymous 05/03 22:45:27 (UTC) 298,400.92 6.250000 2,387,207 4,877,941 204.34
780537 Confirmed anonymous 05/03 14:07:50 (UTC) 308,440.66 6.250000 2,467,525 7,986,121 323.65
780447 Confirmed anonymous 04/03 23:32:44 (UTC) 292,789.05 6.250037 2,342,312 3,505,654 149.67
780406 Confirmed anonymous 04/03 15:50:21 (UTC) 332,137.97 6.250000 2,657,104 12,765,644 480.43
Totals 47,766,712 87,948,422 184.12
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.