Block Shares

Block Shares
799972 799984 800113 800134 800218 800229 800285 800540 800569 800830 800897 800931 800945 801011 801042 801352 801384 841532 844861 845866
Expected 2678856 2544760 2456346 2461758 2129330 1950481 2309079 1987918 2623251 3019237 2052166 2272653 2296367 2411861 2328147 2043485 2041042 2575905 1961392 1846277
Actual 2011743 851962 10532319 1688415 6738464 1045748 3997973 20618359 1869746 21987940 2014114 2329056 986732 4760706 2571225 18548049 1962236 286529 509419 131701
Average 2737255 1857993 2657854 2757911 3330016 3302752 3348794 5241537 4939126 7134267 7134504 7282213 6327655 6634884 6218160 7968390 7764816 5731633 5595601 3409977

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 380,272 70100 70015 85 609,563.2505 341428567886 355685399894 104.18% 665011.32412071 18.43%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 48,384 3 3 0 265,982.2540 6383574 927649 14.53% 9.37684527 0.01%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
845866 Confirmed anonymous 04/06 05:02:47 (UTC) 230,784.60 3.125644 1,846,277 131,701 7.13
844861 Confirmed anonymous 28/05 04:17:52 (UTC) 245,174.06 3.125892 1,961,392 509,419 25.97
841532 Confirmed anonymous 04/05 21:18:58 (UTC) 321,988.11 3.125309 2,575,905 286,529 11.12
801384 Confirmed anonymous 29/07 12:26:41 (UTC) 255,130.30 6.250000 2,041,042 1,962,236 96.14
801352 Confirmed anonymous 29/07 06:55:13 (UTC) 255,435.66 6.250000 2,043,485 18,548,049 907.67
801042 Confirmed anonymous 27/07 02:45:40 (UTC) 291,018.43 6.250000 2,328,147 2,571,225 110.44
801011 Confirmed anonymous 26/07 20:54:10 (UTC) 301,482.62 6.250057 2,411,861 4,760,706 197.39
800945 Confirmed anonymous 26/07 10:02:21 (UTC) 287,045.83 6.250000 2,296,367 986,732 42.97
800931 Confirmed anonymous 26/07 07:48:50 (UTC) 284,081.63 6.250011 2,272,653 2,329,056 102.48
800897 Confirmed anonymous 26/07 02:30:37 (UTC) 256,520.76 6.250000 2,052,166 2,014,114 98.15
800830 Confirmed anonymous 25/07 14:44:41 (UTC) 377,404.64 6.250627 3,019,237 21,987,940 728.26
800569 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 17:42:24 (UTC) 327,906.41 6.250048 2,623,251 1,869,746 71.28
800540 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 13:36:24 (UTC) 248,489.76 6.250023 1,987,918 20,618,359 1,037.18
800285 Confirmed anonymous 21/07 18:09:06 (UTC) 288,634.88 6.250000 2,309,079 3,997,973 173.14
800229 Confirmed anonymous 21/07 09:30:37 (UTC) 243,810.12 6.250099 1,950,481 1,045,748 53.61
800218 Confirmed anonymous 21/07 07:18:01 (UTC) 266,166.29 6.250049 2,129,330 6,738,464 316.46
800134 Confirmed anonymous 20/07 16:50:04 (UTC) 307,719.69 6.250029 2,461,758 1,688,415 68.59
800113 Confirmed anonymous 20/07 13:15:43 (UTC) 307,043.23 6.250019 2,456,346 10,532,319 428.78
799984 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 15:07:16 (UTC) 318,095.05 6.250036 2,544,760 851,962 33.48
799972 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 13:25:42 (UTC) 334,856.96 6.250821 2,678,856 2,011,743 75.10
Totals 45,990,311 105,442,436 229.27
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.