Block Shares

Block Shares
622743 622744 622751 622753 622760 622769 622771 622785 622790 622793 622799 622800 622813 622818 622835 622836 622844 622845 622853 622857
Expected 1080922 1090299 1131779 1168721 1091788 1088869 1083795 1203265 1124031 1090978 1130852 1048806 1302829 1200396 1059009 1098982 1166687 1082535 1044684 1107385
Actual 547882 76369 959122 159147 1700386 1415095 41802 1968923 1050544 539758 1198880 42509 1441746 992940 3033906 80828 1403781 67687 1413773 447676
Average 1726460 1452464 1421484 1385883 1543410 1448099 1388426 1436219 826728 845903 911003 907617 955879 1039258 1172610 1039184 1175382 985258 1021581 1012373

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 340,494 70098 70013 85 609,573.8652 341424760217 355684758774 104.18% 665005.07258453 20.59%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 1 1 0 321,988.1065 2575905 286529 11.12% 3.12530909 0.02%
Last 12 Month 48,384 129 129 0 275,363.0471 284174665 494362522 173.96% 803.15113066 0.27%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
622857 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 15:19:07 (UTC) 138,423.16 12.500065 1,107,385 447,676 40.43
622853 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:51:19 (UTC) 130,585.56 12.500845 1,044,684 1,413,773 135.33
622845 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 13:23:27 (UTC) 135,316.92 12.500161 1,082,535 67,687 6.25
622844 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 13:19:12 (UTC) 145,835.92 12.501388 1,166,687 1,403,781 120.32
622836 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:50:49 (UTC) 137,372.75 12.500004 1,098,982 80,828 7.35
622835 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:45:44 (UTC) 132,376.10 12.500000 1,059,009 3,033,906 286.49
622818 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:33:30 (UTC) 150,049.45 12.500012 1,200,396 992,940 82.72
622813 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 07:30:51 (UTC) 162,853.63 12.500215 1,302,829 1,441,746 110.66
622800 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 06:00:33 (UTC) 131,100.76 12.500016 1,048,806 42,509 4.05
622799 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 05:57:50 (UTC) 141,356.53 12.502551 1,130,852 1,198,880 106.02
622793 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 04:42:55 (UTC) 136,372.26 12.500017 1,090,978 539,758 49.47
622790 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 04:09:15 (UTC) 140,503.92 12.500005 1,124,031 1,050,544 93.46
622785 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 03:04:07 (UTC) 150,408.08 12.500041 1,203,265 1,968,923 163.63
622771 Confirmed danhxnk 28/02 01:02:04 (UTC) 135,474.31 12.500000 1,083,795 41,802 3.86
622769 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 00:59:25 (UTC) 136,108.64 12.500087 1,088,869 1,415,095 129.96
622760 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 23:30:22 (UTC) 136,473.55 12.501578 1,091,788 1,700,386 155.74
622753 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 21:43:25 (UTC) 146,090.15 12.500000 1,168,721 159,147 13.62
622751 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 21:33:26 (UTC) 141,472.35 12.500000 1,131,779 959,122 84.74
622744 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 20:33:33 (UTC) 136,287.34 12.500015 1,090,299 76,369 7.00
622743 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 20:28:51 (UTC) 135,115.25 12.500175 1,080,922 547,882 50.69
Totals 22,396,612 18,582,754 82.97
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.