Block Shares

Block Shares
790378 790423 790478 790480 790525 790536 790553 790596 790630 790654 790778 790780 790796 791052 791082 791086 791090 791121 791168 791170
Expected 2071607 2429920 2713739 2530983 2690761 2547378 2339979 2267049 2186791 2187052 2005072 2081348 2136513 2326709 2218882 2309680 2424198 2796283 2222039 2248523
Actual 523908 2720038 4141798 48625 3486753 763930 1333310 3887871 3256441 2175792 11088504 121722 1175209 13701998 1632503 127066 189742 1520907 2593817 11356
Average 3198005 3222271 3576807 3322675 3249933 3062425 2805130 3097532 2118094 2233847 3290306 3030475 2733816 4099153 3913728 3850042 3735685 3498988 3432726 3216282

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 370,170 70100 70015 85 609,563.2505 341428567886 355685399894 104.18% 665011.32412071 18.94%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 48,384 3 3 0 265,982.2540 6383574 927649 14.53% 9.37684527 0.01%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
791170 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 23:10:12 (UTC) 281,065.32 6.250052 2,248,523 11,356 0.51
791168 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 23:07:31 (UTC) 277,754.92 6.250059 2,222,039 2,593,817 116.73
791121 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 14:36:38 (UTC) 349,535.33 6.250398 2,796,283 1,520,907 54.39
791090 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 09:43:21 (UTC) 303,024.75 6.250000 2,424,198 189,742 7.83
791086 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 09:07:22 (UTC) 288,710.06 6.250522 2,309,680 127,066 5.50
791082 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 08:43:07 (UTC) 277,360.31 6.250000 2,218,882 1,632,503 73.57
791052 Confirmed anonymous 18/05 03:37:58 (UTC) 290,838.61 6.250000 2,326,709 13,701,998 588.90
790796 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 09:04:19 (UTC) 267,064.15 6.250000 2,136,513 1,175,209 55.01
790780 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 06:48:27 (UTC) 260,168.50 6.250000 2,081,348 121,722 5.85
790778 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 06:33:43 (UTC) 250,634.05 6.250000 2,005,072 11,088,504 553.02
790654 Confirmed avalakh 15/05 09:24:08 (UTC) 273,381.44 6.250000 2,187,052 2,175,792 99.49
790630 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 05:20:01 (UTC) 273,348.82 6.250011 2,186,791 3,256,441 148.91
790596 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 23:13:03 (UTC) 283,381.08 6.250086 2,267,049 3,887,871 171.49
790553 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 15:58:24 (UTC) 292,497.43 6.250000 2,339,979 1,333,310 56.98
790536 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 12:58:10 (UTC) 318,422.26 6.250064 2,547,378 763,930 29.99
790525 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 11:15:16 (UTC) 336,345.13 6.261779 2,690,761 3,486,753 129.58
790480 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 03:30:06 (UTC) 316,372.85 6.250000 2,530,983 48,625 1.92
790478 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 03:23:08 (UTC) 339,217.43 6.250183 2,713,739 4,141,798 152.62
790423 Confirmed anonymous 13/05 18:08:05 (UTC) 303,739.97 6.250000 2,429,920 2,720,038 111.94
790378 Confirmed anonymous 13/05 11:15:44 (UTC) 258,950.87 6.250000 2,071,607 523,908 25.29
Totals 46,734,506 54,501,290 116.62
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.