Block Shares

Block Shares
782437 782719 782786 782789 782890 782951 782965 783060 783133 783223 783227 783299 783316 783389 783392 783461 783498 783523 783726 783772
Expected 2351047 2173150 2314737 1987429 2321227 2320522 2388390 2045021 2378449 2309331 2351329 2054928 2419184 2778841 2501592 2207602 2088750 2577958 1956464 1861871
Actual 9907391 20395623 4132545 587052 6363443 3539037 776772 7016773 5664954 7726066 370855 6324748 998405 5631458 256475 5255085 2895147 1569990 16277911 3916500
Average 4032896 5979879 5947641 5744120 6284603 6486190 5909898 6513441 6195621 6610966 5657312 4250225 3936811 4441251 3830554 4002159 4213997 3669318 4730614 4349657

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 358,169 70100 70015 85 609,563.2505 341428567886 355685399894 104.18% 665011.32412071 19.57%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 48,384 3 3 0 265,982.2540 6383574 927649 14.53% 9.37684527 0.01%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
783772 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 05:53:28 (UTC) 232,733.92 6.250694 1,861,871 3,916,500 210.35
783726 Confirmed anonymous 27/03 21:53:08 (UTC) 244,558.05 6.250310 1,956,464 16,277,911 832.01
783523 Confirmed anonymous 26/03 10:51:37 (UTC) 322,244.79 6.269825 2,577,958 1,569,990 60.90
783498 Confirmed anonymous 26/03 07:24:46 (UTC) 261,093.72 6.250000 2,088,750 2,895,147 138.61
783461 Confirmed anonymous 26/03 01:18:53 (UTC) 275,950.28 6.250192 2,207,602 5,255,085 238.04
783392 Confirmed anonymous 25/03 12:31:50 (UTC) 312,698.95 6.250000 2,501,592 256,475 10.25
783389 Confirmed anonymous 25/03 11:58:03 (UTC) 347,355.11 6.250075 2,778,841 5,631,458 202.65
783316 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 23:51:12 (UTC) 302,398.02 6.250050 2,419,184 998,405 41.27
783299 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 21:43:17 (UTC) 256,865.94 6.250000 2,054,928 6,324,748 307.78
783227 Confirmed avalakh 24/03 08:50:13 (UTC) 293,916.09 6.250167 2,351,329 370,855 15.77
783223 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 08:05:53 (UTC) 288,666.40 6.250498 2,309,331 7,726,066 334.56
783133 Confirmed anonymous 23/03 16:56:51 (UTC) 297,306.16 6.250000 2,378,449 5,664,954 238.18
783060 Confirmed anonymous 23/03 05:43:30 (UTC) 255,627.60 6.252610 2,045,021 7,016,773 343.11
782965 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 12:41:30 (UTC) 298,548.71 6.250000 2,388,390 776,772 32.52
782951 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 10:44:21 (UTC) 290,065.20 6.259467 2,320,522 3,539,037 152.51
782890 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 00:13:49 (UTC) 290,153.38 6.250000 2,321,227 6,363,443 274.14
782789 Confirmed anonymous 21/03 08:16:41 (UTC) 248,428.67 6.251280 1,987,429 587,052 29.54
782786 Confirmed anonymous 21/03 06:49:09 (UTC) 289,342.18 6.250100 2,314,737 4,132,545 178.53
782719 Confirmed anonymous 20/03 19:49:27 (UTC) 271,643.74 6.250515 2,173,150 20,395,623 938.53
782437 Confirmed anonymous 18/03 20:21:25 (UTC) 293,880.90 6.250000 2,351,047 9,907,391 421.40
Totals 45,387,822 109,606,230 241.49
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.