Block Shares

Block Shares
781228 781297 781412 781556 781603 781620 781737 781787 781904 781933 781939 781988 782023 782038 782060 782142 782149 782263 782306 782437
Expected 2542830 2340099 2155174 2174181 2426102 2375058 1944878 2115581 2009646 2618653 2214164 2322463 2474901 2228742 2538111 2790917 2273179 2306347 2015806 2351047
Actual 1443519 7256089 11297862 13571769 4537559 1435690 12345623 4735812 11129688 2094554 925786 4454927 2622260 958611 1523172 6539695 981344 8843152 3572617 9907391
Average 4814118 5506442 5273985 5954232 5829269 5697081 5928773 6313548 7162370 6984817 6933043 6652927 5785367 4524051 4222612 4733013 3596585 4007319 3251612 4032896

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 362,566 70100 70015 85 609,563.2505 341428567886 355685399894 104.18% 665011.32412071 19.33%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 1,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 48,384 3 3 0 265,982.2540 6383574 927649 14.53% 9.37684527 0.01%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
782437 Confirmed anonymous 18/03 20:21:25 (UTC) 293,880.90 6.250000 2,351,047 9,907,391 421.40
782306 Confirmed anonymous 17/03 23:11:44 (UTC) 251,975.81 6.250017 2,015,806 3,572,617 177.23
782263 Confirmed photossc 17/03 15:24:01 (UTC) 288,293.40 6.250000 2,306,347 8,843,152 383.43
782149 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 20:34:53 (UTC) 284,147.41 6.250000 2,273,179 981,344 43.17
782142 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 18:36:19 (UTC) 348,864.58 6.250037 2,790,917 6,539,695 234.32
782060 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 05:17:09 (UTC) 317,263.83 6.250193 2,538,111 1,523,172 60.01
782038 Confirmed anonymous 16/03 02:13:06 (UTC) 278,592.69 6.250004 2,228,742 958,611 43.01
782023 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 23:58:46 (UTC) 309,362.66 6.250391 2,474,901 2,622,260 105.95
781988 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 17:43:20 (UTC) 290,307.82 6.250717 2,322,463 4,454,927 191.82
781939 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 09:36:41 (UTC) 276,770.49 6.250000 2,214,164 925,786 41.81
781933 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 07:55:40 (UTC) 327,331.62 6.250000 2,618,653 2,094,554 79.99
781904 Confirmed anonymous 15/03 04:14:27 (UTC) 251,205.76 6.250023 2,009,646 11,129,688 553.81
781787 Confirmed anonymous 14/03 08:25:02 (UTC) 264,447.57 6.250000 2,115,581 4,735,812 223.85
781737 Confirmed anonymous 14/03 00:28:54 (UTC) 243,109.75 6.250000 1,944,878 12,345,623 634.78
781620 Confirmed anonymous 13/03 03:23:23 (UTC) 296,882.30 6.250108 2,375,058 1,435,690 60.45
781603 Confirmed anonymous 13/03 00:54:28 (UTC) 303,262.78 6.250886 2,426,102 4,537,559 187.03
781556 Confirmed anonymous 12/03 16:53:07 (UTC) 271,772.65 6.250000 2,174,181 13,571,769 624.22
781412 Confirmed anonymous 11/03 16:58:15 (UTC) 269,396.77 6.250022 2,155,174 11,297,862 524.22
781297 Confirmed anonymous 10/03 21:37:43 (UTC) 292,512.37 6.250000 2,340,099 7,256,089 310.08
781228 Confirmed anonymous 10/03 09:32:40 (UTC) 317,853.75 6.251849 2,542,830 1,443,519 56.77
Totals 46,217,879 110,177,120 238.39
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.